If Your Writing Slants…

To the right: You are open to the world around you and like to socialize with other people.
Handwriting anaylsis if your letters slant

To the left: You generally like to work alone or behind the scenes. If you are right-handed and your handwriting slants to the left, you may be expressing rebellion.

Not at all: You tend to be logical and practical. You are guarded with your emotions.


If the Size of Your Letters Is…


Large: You have a big personality. Many celebrities have large handwriting. It may suggest that you are outgoing and like the limelight.
Handwriting analysis the size of you letters

Small: You are focused and can concentrate easily. You tend to be introspective and shy.

Average: You are well-adjusted and adaptable.



If Your Loops Are...

Closed for L (meaning the upstroke overlaps the downstroke): Feeling tense? This implies you are restricting yourself in some way.

Handwriting anaylsis on your loops

Full for L: You are spontaneous and relaxed and find it easy to express yourself.

Closed for E: You tend to be skeptical and are unswayed by emotional arguments.

Full for E: You have an open mind and enjoy trying new things.



If Your S’s Are…

Round: You are a people-pleaser and seek compromise. You avoid confrontation.

Pointy: You are intellectually probing and like to study new things. The higher and pointier the peaks, the more ambitious you are.


Handwriting anaylsis how you write your S's

Open at the bottom: You might not be following your heart. For example, you always wanted to be an artist, but you have a career in finance.

Printed: You are versatile.





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